Hi everyone! I will be showcasing some of my sustainable fashion designs at Athen’s Got Talent on April 20th 2024! The Cottage has done some amazing work here in Athen’s Georgia and I want to use this blog post to shout out to them! In 2023, The Cottage provided 467 therapy sessions to children who experienced abuse and paid for 340 therapy sessions for adults who experienced sexual assault. Please help me in supporting their important work: https://www.northgeorgiacottage.org/athens-got-talent! One vote = one dollar, so you can come out to support me and your votes will be donated to an important cause! Or you can donate by following the link above. Remember to click on the vote button near the bottom of the page, then on the form select Jamila Zvonkovic under the apply my donation to tab! #athensgottalent #thecottagega #stopsexualassault #preventchildabuse